"Where all art has purpose and meaning!"

A'ar Quintas the Destroyer Final Blends

So the final blends for this are up! This is much too valuable to be found on market as most invest far too much in making it to then sell it, which is understandable. But you can make if yourself if you have al lthe pieces! The first blend is the original with the 20ish pieces, but you need 2 of those to blend to create the final piece; the second is the alien worlds one and you need 75 pieces I believe to create the whole thing and the third

Art: https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse -

Mints of this NFT left: < 30

The Snail

This is a piece of chaos art - part of a series of three - it is chaos art - you close your eyes, think of an emotion, and then scribble all over the page - and then, using the lines available, you flesh something out of the chaos - order out of chaos - I thought of nature and thus this fantastical nature theme came forth - there is a lot to unpack - little black creatures camping out, swimming about, paths galore - giant plants, and of course, the snail which takes up the main focus - you can see through the image in sorta 4d space, things merge into other things - it is very organic.

Art: https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse -

Mints of this NFT left: < 30

The Abysmal Demon of Hair

The Mythical Abysmal demon of Hair that exists in its own reality sub-space that crai'riain went to to gain more power, and ended up becoming a'ar quintas the destroyer. Nothing about this being seems to make sense - it's got tendrils coming out of everywhere, including it's mouth, and eyes all over the place - it's a scary being for sure! You can see more of my art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse -

Mints of this NFT left: < 30

A'ar Quintas the Destroyer - FULL RES

The full version of A'ar Quintas has been combined! At 6640 x 5716 pixels this is a giant to behold! Entirely done in MS Paint, this baby took 2-3 weeks to finish. It is a giant collossal space dragon. A very scary angry being, with lots of very scary teeth and claws. But it is not the final form.. You can see more of my art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse -

Mints of this NFT left: 1 LEFT

A Fishy Being From Beyond

This was done for a story som,eone wrote on newgrounds about a fishy being from the stars that came to fisit this woman and impart wisdom upon her - I reelize the perspective is wrong but it was too late - we'll just chalk it up to him being an alien :P - inks pencil and watercolour pencilcrayon to colour it. You can see more of my art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse -

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

The Wormipede

The wormipede is a creepy crawly that is a mix between a worm and a centipede and some sorta gross tentacled facehugger - it's very slimy and leaves a train wherever it goes as it half crawls half slithers - it's got pincers on the end of it too and spines on its back. You can see more of my art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse -

Mints of this NFT left: < 20

Mech Dragons Invert Pastel

Mech dragons was a tattoo I did for the shoulder blades of a very big individual - either facing each other or away - the design was spired from transmetal dragon megatron from beast wars. Pastel Invert version left and right. More art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Mech Dragons Invert Neon Pastel

Mech dragons was a tattoo I did for the shoulder blades of a very big individual - either facing each other or away - the design was spired from transmetal dragon megatron from beast wars. Neon Pastel Invert version left and right. More art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Mech Dragons Diamond Ice Crystals

Mech dragons was a tattoo I did for the shoulder blades of a very big individual - either facing each other or away - the design was spired from transmetal dragon megatron from beast wars. Diamond Ice Crystals version in and away. More art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Mech Dragons Bookends Invert Pastel

Mech dragons was a tattoo I did for the shoulder blades of a very big individual - either facing each other or away - the design was spired from transmetal dragon megatron from beast wars. Pastel Invert Bookend version in and away. More art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Mech Dragons Bookends Invert Neon Pastel

Mech dragons was a tattoo I did for the shoulder blades of a very big individual - either facing each other or away - the design was spired from transmetal dragon megatron from beast wars. Neon Pastel Invert Bookend version in and away. More art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Mech Dragons Bookends Diamond Ice Crystals

Mech dragons was a tattoo I did for the shoulder blades of a very big individual - either facing each other or away - the design was spired from transmetal dragon megatron from beast wars. Diamond Ice Crystals Bookend version in and away. More art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Mech Dragons Invert Pastel

Mech dragons was a tattoo I did for the shoulder blades of a very big individual - either facing each other or away - the design was spired from transmetal dragon megatron from beast wars. Pastel Invert version left and right. More art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Mech Dragons Invert Neon Pastel

Mech dragons was a tattoo I did for the shoulder blades of a very big individual - either facing each other or away - the design was spired from transmetal dragon megatron from beast wars. Neon Pastel Invert version left and right. More art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Mech Dragons Diamond Ice Crystals

Mech dragons was a tattoo I did for the shoulder blades of a very big individual - either facing each other or away - the design was spired from transmetal dragon megatron from beast wars. Diamond Ice Crystals version in and away. More art at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Byron - byronartset1

Congrats Byron! I have returned the favour and drawn you, in ms paint no less! This is Byron the artist, the famous creator of Zombie cats, enjoy this crazy crazy man! find him at https://t.me/zbcats - and find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Anare'il the Chaos Dragon - What are you looking at?

Anare'il in his rare coloured format! This was originally incomplete colouring wise - it is since done and animated - he notices you noticing him, then goes back to what he was doing, then stares at you, then goes back to what he was doing.. (also something happened to the previous versions preview and its eye spasms all over the place but the actual animation is normal - enjoy that error card if you get it lol) see more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 20


Meow? Mrow? MroOooOow.... meow! Meow!!! MEOW!!!! See more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 20

Darla Collectible

Darla is the crazy and wild child member of the KoT. She is into all things organic and spiritual! She is always there to help you out in the metaphysical and keep you holistic and pure and grounded, and also throws great parties! She just wants to see everyone be well, laugh and smile! Her and Toby can sometimes get into prank-offs as well. Keep an eye on her! It's always a fun time with Darla! You can often find her outside with Ariel amongst nature, sometimes partying with Daphne in the club, or wellness pairing with Corie! She is an all around kinda girl! Well rounded, grounded, calm, but excitable, and a little mischievous, an essential asset to the team! Part of "The Kids of Tomorrow" Card series. Find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Corie Collectible

Corie is the strength and passion of the KoT, What he lacks in height he makes up for in muscle! he is always there to help out in physical endeavors for all, doing the heavy lifting, and working out at the gym to make himself even stronger! Passionate and sometimes even a little fiery, he charges forward with gusto! You can often find working on building projects where he can put his strength to good use, the locals love him! Spirited, boisterous, and filled with the desire to help, an undisputed asset to the team! Part of "The Kids of Tomorrow" Card series. Find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Ariel Collectible

Ariel is the beauty and kindness queen of the KoT, Her affection and love know no bounds! She shines her natural inner (and outer!) beauty and optimism on all, and human and beast alike respond in kind and love her back! Bubbly and optimistic, she is always there to raise spirits when one is down. You can often find her doing charitable donations and helping out the less fortunate, especially animals :) Loving, selfless, kind, with neverending optimism and inner goodness, a vital asset to the team! Part of "The Kids of Tomorrow" Card series. Find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Arnold Collectible

Arnold is the fashion and style King of the KoT, his style is off the charts! He makes all of his own clothes too, and leads and directs all the latest trends. All couture advice is sent his way. He is very generous however and outfits all of his friends with beautiful outfits, for free! Charitable, giving, with an eye for harmony and design, and good natured, a beautiful asset to the team! Part of "The Kids of Tomorrow" Card series. Find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Daphne Collectible

Daphne is the music guru of the KoT, and some say a secret shmooze of Toby, but nobody can confirm or deny this. She largely remains in her own little world with her headphones on, grooving away! Every now and then she will wake up from her musical slumber to say something profound however, so keep your ears peeled! Thoughtful, resourceful, knowledgeable, a great asset to the team! Part of "The Kids of Tomorrow" Card series. Find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Toby Collectible

Toby is the Leader of the KoT, and loves to joke, laugh and snowboard, but don't let that fool you! He can lay down the authority when need be!, Brave, funny, kind hearted, a natural born leader! Part of "The Kids of Tomorrow" Card series. Find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

PROMO - The Kids of Tomorrow Collectible Card Series

Promo for "The Kids of Tomorrow" Card series. Featuring kids such as Tiffany, Daphne, Darla, Toby, Tobias and more! Find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Tiffany Collectible

Tiffany is your typical fashion plate valley girl, up on all the trends, ya know? SHtyling! W/e. A little ditzy, but with a lot of heart! Part of "The Kids of Tomorrow" Card series. Find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

Plus Collectible

Plus is a character from a long shelved series called Plus N Star, done in adobe flash. A calm cool collected and somewhat frosty character like Matt from Digimon. Enjoy! Find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: 3 LEFT!

Star Collectible

Star is a character from a long shelved series called Plus N Star, done in adobe flash. A spunky little character like Tai from Digimon. Enjoy! Find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: 3 LEFT!

PROMO - Hercules Blonde - t.me/chronaverse1

Hercules Blonde is an experiment in taking stone statue ruins and recolouring them and restoring them to what they would have looked like in their prime. 1 of 4 variants. Find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

A'ar Quintas, The Destroyer

A'ar Quintas is the destroyer of worlds - solar system sized, this beast can literally gnaw on planets, and destroy everything with its mouth beam attack and inhuman scream. It sends its spawn to destroy others. This creature is the result of all the negativity and shadow creatures consuming a creature and forming a venom-like layer around it. Nothing short of divine intervention can stop this beast. This is not available in stores and is one of THE most valuable cards. It is of a rare NFT vector are of which few exist. It is also full size, another rarity, and front and back. This is the non-defective version. The defective versions back image does not work, and is currently not in circulation. This card is not meant to be bought but instead given away as prizes and thus the price for actually buying it will be very high. Find more at https://shawndall.com - tg: https://t.me/chronaverse

Mints of this NFT left: < 10

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