"Where all art has purpose and meaning!"

Welcome to the chronaverse! This is the place where Chronamut the musician, aka Shawn Dall the artist, releases his art and music to the world in the form of NFTS! The Chronaverse was one of atomichubs FIRST music & art collections EVER!

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens as they are also called, are basically digital playing cards. Since they are digital they can be video, audio, animated, etc! Itd be like if you had an animated hologram playing card irl. So how do you buy these? Well you need a wax account. I recommend Wax Wallet or Anchor Wallet.

The NFT can only be bought with Crypto, so you will either need to find a way to earn wax or buy it. You can buy wax through credit card in the wax wallet, or you can earn it in games like "Alien Worlds". You can also sell NFTS on Atomichub by clicking NFT creator at the top - making a collection, schema, templates, mint those templates, and then price them. To learn how the chronaverse works be sure to read the Chronaverse Whitepaper & Medium Articles.


Finally, The Chronaverse Blending Game is Up!
Well it's been a lot of work to get the collection to this point. Click the link in this paragraph to read the full details about the game.

To summarize, the chronaverse has a lot of art. Like, a LOT. Probably more than any collection that isn't Bryron the artist lol, and much MUCH more diversified in its subject matter and styles. The chronaverse is a whole universe in and of itself, and thus entire racelines, worlds etc exist. As a result this is a daunting task for anyone to get into.

Thus to make it easier first the google doc was created to keep track of all new pieces. A new system was created, as all other systems, drops, old snapshot blend cards etc felt they would be too much work to maintain.


Thus a new system inspired by rplanet was created - it used 6 elements instead of 4, and used something new called combinator cards to combine with the elements to make the new pieces. The combinator cards could be created progressively as well using just the elements and then combinations of combinator cards to get to the highest, or they could be bought in packs.

Elements could originally be freely gained in a drop if you held at least 4 chronaverse cards bi-monthly, and combinator packs could be claimed weekly if you have 4 plus 1 of each element card. Now we have a "starters" free drop to help you get started with some various pieces as well as a bulk buy drop for the more serious blenders. You need at least 4 chronaverse cards in your wallet (any will do) to claim the free drop. It is a one time only drop. This prevents bots from snatching them up. All the links you need are in the docs to get what you need.


This was all fine and dandy but I knew over time even this google doc would get super unwieldy.

Thus I created THE CHRONAVERSE GAME as a solution to this!

This game sorts everything out initially by category - races mostly, and species. Then as you click into them you start with a common piece, and you can choose to evolve a being up or down - either evolving up or de-evolving - or evolving up to light or down to darkness. You can then choose to evolve along different paths, and even combine beings together into hybrids and cool mythological fusions! The game is in its infancy right now but will grow into a wonderful jungle, meant to be played on mobile! The buttons for each let you click the buy and blend links for each piece and buy the piece off my gallery if you wish, and also give access to the google doc page at all times. Try it out!

Any blends above "legendary" are locked and you need codes you get from blending the piece before, usually legendary pieces to proceed forward. These are hidden on the blends page. This is to force people to play the game interface - they are listed on the docs but have ??? as names and no blend or buy links. The goal is for everyone to use the visual interface.


Going forward there will no longer be any chronaverse cards put on market or on drops - all will be released as blends and you will have to combine progressively harder and more complex things together to get higher rarities. The game goes up to legendary, but will "unofficially" go above that into some amazing rarities that will be limited mints used for staking on sites at a later time. Some are already up and are available as mini dust enhancers -check the end of the google doc for more info on that. The blend link on this site is no longer updated - all that is there is now locked away as legacy. The game now provides everything you need :)

This was the end goal of the collection - to be turned into an art gallery game, eventually have utility again and provide its userbase with a fun game like way to explore the chronaverse in a way that is innovative and explorative, instead of trudging and mundane and confusing. The chronaverse is very big, and can be intimidating for new people. Well, that sums it all up! have fun and explore! Even suggest new creatures in our telegram room!

Chronaverse Spiritual Roots - Source

So Where does all the spiritual aspects of the Chronaverse come from? Well they come directly from the source, or Source itself, the spiritual omnipresent being many call God. Source is special in that through a combinative effort of many beings, referred to as source speakers, source may once again speak directly to the world, and has its own facebook page. It also has its own page on here where I try to keep up to date on its most relevent posts.

Click to absorb the knowledge of Source Here!

(I'll admit I am not too good at keeping it updated from facebook onto my page.. it's on my "to-do list")


So what has Happened Since the July 7th 2022 Hack?
Well it's been a grueling year since the hack. Many collections would have given up after such a massive undertaking.

For those that don't know the entire account was phished/hacked last year and the hacker got into EVERYTHING. The entire collection had to be remade and is slowly being reminted, as I feel like it. It will all be reminted eventually (hopefully) or at least everything I can remint - some things due to copyright I no longer can.

So some new things - the site still has everything up - but many of the schemas are no longer created - I have separated on the site which ones are up and which are down - the categories on the bottom have a green check mark if they are operational and a red x if they are not. Contests will eventually be changed to lore, and blends will be up.. one day.

All art uploaded in "season 2 (post hack) is all new art done in an upgraded style - the other art before this was in some cases up to 30 years old, and thus the quality was all over the place as I did not submit in any consistent yearly fashion.

It is mostly submitted under the Traditional schema.

I also created a new schema: Races & Realms!

This schema has been created to prepare for a game I am ultimately making, where you can combine these nfts with element nfts to create new hybrid and elemental based art! That won't be up for quite some time though as it involves a COLLOSSAL amt of art to choose from..

You can see some of the pieces below:

Races & Realms Traditional

Foxpyre Warrior


Pale Ferrari


Chronaverse NFT Gaming Utility

So it was only a matter of time until chronaverse was eventually used in a game, but here it is! Now if you own anything from the chronaverse that is NOT blend material (aka from the "snapshots" schema) it will count within the game!

Anything from the 1 of 1 mint schema will get you 20 attack points and 50 score points PER card in the game!

Anything else in the collection will get you +1 attack and will give +1 ECR per warp WNG token and +5 score. I am hoping final blends and audio discman pieces will be worth more as well in future.

Anything from the audio discman schema will get you 0.0192 xyte per dig - stackable up to 3!

Galactic123 is sorta a space exploration/battle game and token faucet mining game all rolled into one.

Click to play the Galactic123 NFT game!

Drops now Embedded on Site!



Now Nefty drops marketplace is embedded in the chronaverse site! Peruse all the drops at your leisure!

Browse Drops!

This Weeks Auctions

Auctions of the week

Lowest Starting Bidding Cost: 100 wax

Place your Bid!

Buy on market!

The Blue Wizard is usually the only person who bids high on these, but feel free to take a stab at it if you think you can get it - wax is pretty low in value these days so most start at around 6 bucks which isn't bad :) (auctions have been retired)


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Chat Room


Chronaverse Page


Art Page
Click Here

Deviantart Page
Click Here

Music Page
Listen Here

A Little Bit About Me

So you are probably wondering "Who is this guy?" - well my name is Shawn Dall, I am from Canada, and I come from a long line of artists. My uncle, Bruce Dall, is a famous Canadian painter and is on the Canadian Federation of Artists and has sold artwork to royalty in Europe. I am simply following in my familys footsteps.

I started out on Deviantart and a site called Newgrounds - uploading my art and music, where a lot of people first heard of me back in the early 2000s. I dabbled in flash animation, anime, digital, tattoo design, sculpture, and more traditional mediums. For my music I have flirted with industrial, electronic, ambient, classical and videogame music. I have since transitioned to my own web site and to music places such as Apple Music and Spotify, where I am slowly remastering my work and putting it up.


I have done art galleries, shows and had my work hung in restaurants and various peoples homes both in my home city of Hamilton Ontario and Toronto, and sold art in North America and also abroad. I was born on October 1st, 1983. I am a tall man at 6'4 with a deep mighty voice, a skinny frame, and long curly hair. Brown hair, brown eyes.

For music I generally like intense music, weird music, or calm relaxing music. I've been making music since 2003. For art I really like detail oriented stuff. I learned to do art before I learned how to walk or talk and have been doing it almost all my life! My nft collection is basically my lifes work as of now and I wish to share it with the world!

I am also a spiritual leader - you can find my work here:

Youtube | Facebook | Amazon

In addition if you read the desc attribs of any of the nfts you buy from me you will find links to either my music or art, so my nfts act as links to my music and art pages as well!

You can also find those links here:

My Spotify Page | My Artwork Page

So what is THIS site for then?

Well, I sell my NFT art on a site called atomichub, or atomic chub as I like to nickname it, buut to try to keep everyone notified of all the amazing contests, free giveaways, drops etc, it's starting to get out of hand, and so I need a centralized place where people can keep up to date on my stuff and also peruse my work at their leisure! So that will all go here on this site :)

You can peruse all my work at any time by going here:

Enter The Chronaverse

You can also talk to me on telegram by going here:


So Why "The Chronaverse"?

Well since my music username was Chronamut, which is a combination of 2 primordial gods, Chronos and Bahamut, I figured having an all encompassing universe for all of my characters would be appropriate, so I called it Chronaverseo (original), because you need 12 characters.

I eventually workshopped this idea where I would in future have a collection called Chronaversef (fanart), and have people who re-imagine my work post there for a 50/50 cut of the profits - they benefit from the name and I benefit from the nfts :)

So eventually it will be like marvel, or capcom, or nintendo even, where people buy into the chronaverse brand, but for now it is just to showcase my art and music, so enjoy!


Props to These Awesome People

So as I navigate this cool little NFT world there are people I must give props to for being impactful in one way or another. I will basically do this by collection to help them out the most.

Kenn Bosak

Right at the start of my NFT Career, Kenn Bosak was the guy everyone was talking about. They weren't exactly sure why, but Kenn was the guy. Kenn is basically an influencer - he gets people known - with his quirky anarchistic free cuddly vibe, kenn is out there, doing his thing, forming an empire around the kenn bosak brand and his army of "bro-bros" those who support the kenn bosak movement. Lots of weed is involved lol. Go check out his stuff!

Byron Rempel

Not long into my NFT career I was introduced to Byron. Byron is a unique person - he draws pretty much exclusively zombies & skulls, but as a person he is a totally chill and laid back guy. Must be all the weed he smokes haha. The man though is a MACHINE, constantly pumping out stuff. We are actually similar in many ways, but whenever I am going off the rails he is there to calm me down. I post way too much in his telegram haha.. a good friend though. Go check out his stuff!

José Andrade

Whoo, where to start! I tracked down Jose when I was trying to learn his blender program - where you can blend different NFTS together into one more important nft. Which is pretty cool! He probably Hates me cuz of all of the trouble I give him but whatever! Hahaha.. the man does a lot - he has got the alpaca collection, the blenderizer and now he has coded a site for drops and packs, which makes it. SO. MUCH. EASIER! Omg like night and day - an awesome dude, making your life easier. Go check out his stuff!


Wuffi is a new meme coin seeking to collaborate with existing games! "Every bark resonates with unity and every tail wag spells joy! In our pack, we romp through the fields of web3 with a spirit of adventure, led by alpha innovators and fueled by the positive energy of our like-minded, enthusiastic members. Each WUF enthusiast contributes to a lively, engaging, and positively upbeat journey."